Public Beta of O&O Syspectr begins!

Effective immediately, you can now register entirely free of charge and obligation for the Public Beta of O&O Syspectr!  In recent weeks, we have tested the system with selected participants intensively and made ​​many changes and improvements as a direct result of feedback received.  I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all … Read more

O&O DriveLED now integrated into O&O Syspectr Beta

The O&O Syspectr version 1.0.2512 being released today introduces a number of revisions. The majority of these revisions are a direct result of feedback sent to us from our beta testers, to whom we wish to express our deepest gratitude. As the first of our well-known tools for Windows, we’ve integrated O&O DriveLED into this … Read more

“Prism” and data protection: Your questions answered

Concerned customers Recent world events have focused everyone very sharply on the topic of data security. I refer here to the “Prism” program from the NSA in the USA. Revelations regarding the interception and reading of private mails, phone calls and videos shocked the general public. It was then revealed that this practice had also … Read more

O&O Syspectr Beta released today

Today we launch the beta of our new application “O&O Syspectr”. What is this software? O&O Syspectr is intended to help users to detect problems early on computers before they actually become a real problem. That is why our slogan is “Spot problems before they hurt”- in my opinion this sums up the core function … Read more

O&O Complete Protection – ask the security experts

O&O Complete Protection goes way beyond what the traditional data protection providers do of simply making a backup. Sure, there are companies out there offering Backups. There are companies out there offering data recovery. There are companies who offer some kind of administrator tools to work on defective machines and some who offer safe deletion of data. O&O is the only company who can offer you all of this with solutions that perfectly complement one another. Read more…

The Dangers of E-Waste

We conducted a lengthy Study called Data, Data Everywhere and found that over 66% of used hard disks we obtained (almost 400) over eBay contained old data, often very sensitive and confidential as the photo here shows. With the ever-increasing disposal of old electronics, this risk is growing too and is as large for private individuals as it is for companies. Read more…

Best practices for backing up data

At O&O Software our focus is on private customers and SMBs. The reasons are clear – we are all private users too, and O&O itself is a SMB – we know exactly how small to medium-sized businesses operate and we know exactly what they need. Read more…