O&O DiskImage Starter Kits: Ideal for SMBs

The O&O Starter Kit for SMB

As a special introductory offer for O&O Defrag and O&O DiskImage, we offer our customers money-saving “Starter Kits” for either one server and five workstations or 5 servers and 25 workstations at incredibly low prices. Customers save on average over 35% compared to what they would pay for the products individually and the kits enable them to accelerate or backup several servers and workstations in their company or home office at once for less money.  Thanks to the size and format of the kits they represent the perfect introduction to O&O solutions.

Available Starter Kits and their content

The O&O Starter Kits are available in 1+5 and 5+25 variations for O&O Defrag and O&O DiskImage. Today we will be taking a look at the O&O DiskImage Starter Kits.

O&O DiskImage Starter-Kit 1+5 O&O DiskImage Starter-Kit 5+25
Contains the following licenses:

  • 1x Server Edition
  • 5x Workstation Edition
Contains the following licenses:

  • 5x Server Edition
  • 25x Workstation Edition

In addition, customers can also get the O&O Enterprise Management Console valued at $499 for just $99 when purchasing a Starter Kit! The Console enables users to manage and install the O&O products across a network right from the comfort of their own desk.

O&O DiskImage Starter Kits: Save money, time and worries!

It is vital for all companies that they save their electronic data. If it is lost, it is not just customer data or financial data that go, but business relationships are also destroyed. Would you like to have to ask your customers or suppliers again for their data? And at the same time be forced to confess that you were sadly not careful enough with use of their data?  O&O DiskImage offers a variety of options for creating backups. You can choose between images (system images) and file backups. With images you can restore a system 1:1. With a file backup, you backup selected files and directories which you can then access again later.


Thanks to its size and format, an O&O DiskImage Starter Kit is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses or home offices who for just a small investment can backup an entire computer or individual drives and files whenever you want – even while the computer’s being used. Never again will you have to worry about lost data: The backups you make can be restored with just a few clicks of the mouse – even if Windows is unable to start!

Start saving money now with an O&O DiskImage Starter Kit!

Start saving money and get maximum safety for your company immediately with an O&O DiskImage Starter Kit! Visit our website or send us an e-mail to sales@oo-software.com. and we will help you get maximum data security for minimum price and effort!

Jim Harrison has a very broad sales and account management background, having previously been employed by various international companies in both senior sales and customer service roles. He joined O&O Software in March, 2006 in a sales and localization capacity, and having quickly recognized the potential for O&O Software worldwide, he was appointed Director of Sales International in 2008. Jim and his team focus on developing long-term, strategic partnerships in order to bring the O&O brand and product range to more and more international markets. Developing primarily the European, North American and Asian markets, his aim is quite clear: to have an O&O product installed on every computer, worldwide!