O&O Syspectr Beta released today

Today we launch the beta of our new application “O&O Syspectr”. What is this software? O&O Syspectr is intended to help users to detect problems early on computers before they actually become a real problem. That is why our slogan is “Spot problems before they hurt”- in my opinion this sums up the core function … Read more

O&O Complete Protection – ask the security experts

O&O Complete Protection goes way beyond what the traditional data protection providers do of simply making a backup. Sure, there are companies out there offering Backups. There are companies out there offering data recovery. There are companies who offer some kind of administrator tools to work on defective machines and some who offer safe deletion of data. O&O is the only company who can offer you all of this with solutions that perfectly complement one another. Read more…

The Dangers of E-Waste

We conducted a lengthy Study called Data, Data Everywhere and found that over 66% of used hard disks we obtained (almost 400) over eBay contained old data, often very sensitive and confidential as the photo here shows. With the ever-increasing disposal of old electronics, this risk is growing too and is as large for private individuals as it is for companies. Read more…

Best practices for backing up data

At O&O Software our focus is on private customers and SMBs. The reasons are clear – we are all private users too, and O&O itself is a SMB – we know exactly how small to medium-sized businesses operate and we know exactly what they need. Read more…

Honey, where did our wedding photos go?! Ask O&O.

[:de]While data backup and backup in the cloud are crucial for both private individuals and corporations, there are always gaps or periods between backups where new data is written and stored locally but not yet fully backed up. In such laboratories, data from burned or drilled disks is also recovered using appropriate technologies. It is a painstaking process and it not only involves the implementation of high technology, but also the cost of expert time and labor. I cannot tell you exactly what these guys charge but it will have to be relatively high to cover their own running costs. Data recovery with the help of software is a viable option in a great many cases and one you can definitely afford. How do I know that? Well ask yourself whether your data is worth between $49 and $99 or not! Read more…

Windows 8 – Microsofts letzte Chance?

Am 26. Oktober ist es soweit: Microsoft wird offiziell Windows 8 starten. Die Meinungen dazu sind gespalten, teilweise kontrovers. Kann Microsoft mit Windows 8 zu alter Stärke zurückkehren? Zum ersten Mal wird ein Windows-Betriebssystem für PC, Tablets und Smartphones veröffentlicht. Und noch nie war ein Release einer Version so bedeutsam wie diese Version 8. Viele … Read more

The new O&O Defrag 16

en – After a year of development work, the time has finally come: the new O&O Defrag 16 is now available! Anyone familiar with the previous versions of O&O Defrag will immediately recognize that we have designed a brand new interface. It is cleaner and adapts to the modern design of Windows 8. Needless to say, … Read more

Data recovery and data backups belong together

I am often asked whether data recovery and data backup are not mutually exclusive. If you perform a regular backup, then surely you do not need data recovery? The answer is yes and no. Of course, a regular backup is a necessity. It protects against the loss of data and enables their recovery in the event of a crash or similar. As always however, the devil is in the detail: a “regular” backup implies that it is carried out at specific times. Between the execution times of two backups there is always a gap where changes or additions to the data files cannot be saved. If you have ever restored a backup, then you will know what I mean: the last settings, documents, images – everything is gone and you have to painstakingly reconstruct it all, or often create it all over again. But what if this is not possible? What if you downloaded, for example, vacation photos from your digital camera to your PC and formatted the memory card in order to make new recordings? If these images are not saved, they are lost forever. Or the recent changes to that important document or presentation that you have to give the next day at work.

“Regular” can also mean once a year

But that’s not all: what exactly is “regular”? Once a day, a week or a month? Or is “regular” whenever you find the time to do it? When exactly did I do the last backup again? And where is it actually saved? This series of questions is not at all easy to answer for many users. And that is exactly why most users never create a backup at all. Not because they are not aware of the danger, but because backups are often perceived as complex, lengthy and “annoying”.

Self-help is the best help

If a data loss does occur then good advice comes at a price. Entire industries of specialists using controlled laboratories dedicate themselves to this subject. And these specialists cost money, so much so that a data recovery can quickly run into the hundreds and thousands of dollars. But if the data is important, then there is no alternative. Or is there? “Normal” PC users can also recover their data easily, quickly and professionally themselves. There is a large range of software solutions for this purpose, of which the new O&O DiskRecovery 8 is one of the most powerful and yet one of the easiest to use. The wizard guides the user step-by-step through the entire process and recovers all data that is still recoverable. And it is vital that this data recovery software is already to hand should a data loss occur. After all, you don’t wait until you have injured yourself before you go to buy a plaster, rather you have a stock at home just in case.


A regular data backup is the basis for the recovery of your data. But to “safeguard” the period between two backups, professional data recovery software is recommended so that changes and additional documents that have been added since the last backup can also be recovered. The two concepts go hand-in-hand for maximum protection of your data, and belong therefore to any PC.


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Online Backup: Why people are delaying

In todays blog entry I will elaborate on why you should be careful with the decision to back up your data online. And on what you can do now should you be skeptical of the security of online backup. The facts concerning online security Visibility The fact that online backup occurs “somewhere” but not locally … Read more

Our new offer for Corporate Customers

In recent months we have had many conversations with our customers and business partners. Our aim was to focus purely on their wishes and needs regarding our products and our services. A unanimous opinion was formed: as our clients you not only want outstanding service and professional solutions in your daily work, but also products that reduce … Read more

Hidden IT Costs

You have no doubt thought about how to cut costs in your IT many a time. But usually this is not so easy because savings often mean cutting departments or even having to lay off staff. There are numerous ways to cut costs. There are also a variety of guides and many consultancy firms who … Read more