Don’t defragment SSDs – TRIM them

Defragmenting an SSD does not lead to any performance improvement: it can even reduce the life expectancy of an SSD. This must be avoided either through automatic recognition by the operating system or by a defragmentation software. A regular and automatic run of TRIM commands can substantially increase the performance of an SSD and extend its life expectancy. Read more…

NEW! O&O Defrag 20 – Brand new in every way!

With Microsoft having released Windows 10, together with a whole range of new devices, it’s easy to forget one snag that not even version 10 has fixed: if you’re using traditional hard disks, they will slow down. It may take a while, you may not have a dramatic crash, but it will happen for sure. Read more…

Your PC will still be slow with Windows 10!

With Microsoft announcing the release of Windows 10 for owners of Windows 7 and 8 for July 29th, together with a whole range of new devices, it’s easy to forget one snag that not even version 10 has fixed: if you’re using traditional hard disks, they will slow down. It may take a while, you may not have a dramatic crash, but it will happen for sure. Read more…

O&O SafeErase 10: secure deletion of data before and after Windows 10!

Your personal photos and confidential documents can easily fall into the wrong hands when you sell, give away or dispose of your old PC or hard drives. Identity theft is now a widespread security threat. This is because clicking on “Delete” does not mean your files are permanently deleted. Even formatting the hard disk is not enough to permanently delete data! Read more…

Version 19.5 of O&O Defrag – our best Defrag yet

This great new feature searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Read more… vergibt IT-Stifterprädikat an O&O Software!

Auch dieses Jahr ehrt das IT-Spendenportal „ – IT für Non-Profits“ wieder O&O Software mit dem Prädikat „IT-Stifter 2015“. bringt seit Oktober 2008 IT-Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte für gemeinnützige Zwecke spenden, und gemeinnützige Organisationen (Non-Profits) aus ganz Deutschland zusammen. Um die Arbeit der gemeinnützigen Organisationen zu unterstützen, erhalten diese auf dem Portal Zugang zu … Read more

Got an SSD? Back it up or image it with O&O DiskImage!

The imaging program O&O DiskImage is compatible with conventional hard disks and SSDs. While cloning and restoring both types of alignment are considered. The program always prioritizes the alignment of the target disk. When restoring or duplicating to a Basic/GPT disk or empty area, the partitions are created according to this prioritization. If an image from a source partition of a conventional hard disk is restored or cloned on a SSD, the partition on the SSD always will be aligned to the SSD. Read more…

Major update in O&O Syspectr

We have for instance expanded and optimized the server infrastructure, and the network communication between the client and our data center has been vastly improved. We have also carried out a major update to the client itself, reducing it’s memory use by 60% and achieving a performance factor of 2-4 (depending on the modules loaded). … Read more

When the Fan gives up the ghost

You really only notice it when it’s broken, especially if this comes to your attention because a component it is meant to cool suddenly crashes. More often than not that component is the very heart of your PC – the CPU. And as we all know, without a CPU a computer cannot function at all. … Read more