vergibt IT-Stifterprädikat an O&O Software!

Auch dieses Jahr ehrt das IT-Spendenportal „ – IT für Non-Profits“ wieder O&O Software mit dem Prädikat „IT-Stifter 2015“. bringt seit Oktober 2008 IT-Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte für gemeinnützige Zwecke spenden, und gemeinnützige Organisationen (Non-Profits) aus ganz Deutschland zusammen. Um die Arbeit der gemeinnützigen Organisationen zu unterstützen, erhalten diese auf dem Portal Zugang zu … Read more

Changed your PC Hardware? Transfer the old PC over with O&O DiskImage!

With O&O DiskImage you can make a backup or image of entire computers, single drives or files during running operations. By restoring such an image or backup later, a user has their normal and familiar working environment back again in a short space of time. The Machine Independent Restoration enables a system restoration onto machines with different hardware setups. This means a system image or a clone cannot only be restored onto Server and Desktop PCs with identical hardware, but also onto hardware where the processor or motherboard has been changed, for instance. Read more…

O&O DiskImage 9 – Data backup easier than ever

O&O DiskImage 9

I don’t lose data! I have lost count of the number of times I have heard this over the years: “My PC doesn’t break” or “I’m careful and I never delete any important data”. The same people then later say “I really can’t reconstruct this data?” or “How come a hard disk only lasts 3 … Read more

O&O DiskImage rebuilds a server after a crash!

Have you lost data already this year?

O&O DiskImage
O&O DiskImage

It is vital for all companies that they save their electronic data. If it is lost, it is not just customer data or financial data that go, but business relationships are also destroyed. Would you like to have to ask your customers or suppliers again for their data? And at the same time be forced to confess that you were sadly not careful enough with use of their data? This is certainly not what your business partners want to hear, and they would justifiably reconsider their relationship with you, or simply terminate it.

So in fact the question should really be: why would I not need O&O DiskImage? Unless a company really saves no data electronically, then there is no answer to this question! And the O&O DiskImage story does not end there. Read on to find out why our customer Coffeesmiths in the United States has opted for O&O over the competition, and how O&O DiskImage came to their rescue!

O&O DiskImage rebuilds Servers after a crash

Creating images of entire servers and desktops and backups of important files is now one of the standard measures currently taken by administrators to protect their data and system configurations. O&O DiskImage takes this once step further by providing features that make the job of an Administrator significantly easier. Scripting, for example, turned out to be exactly what Coffeesmiths were looking for:

“The scripting functions within DI allow me to copy the files from week to week before the full weekly image is created.”

Coffeesmiths found out the hard way just why O&O DiskImage is becoming the de facto choice for many small to medium-sized businesses. The ability to restore an entire system or server, including the operating system, not only gets a business back up and running quickly to avoid downtime but also means that a company does not have to purchase replacement hardware after a crash.

Why not let our customer convince you!

Coffesmiths has three point-of-sale computers, one in each location, and needed a backup solution that could secure the data from each computer to an external server held offsite at their business HQ. Not only did they need this process to be automated and simple, but they also needed the ability to backup separate weekly data in separate directories.

“I have used DI to rebuild my server after a crash as well as pull off old files. The ability to mount an image as a drive is useful in data recovery as well.” You can read the success story from Coffeesmiths in its entirety right here!

Try or buy O&O DiskImage

If you would like to test or purchase O&O DiskImage then simply visit our website or send us an e-mail – we are always delighted to help!  O&O DiskImage is also a main component of O&O Complete Protection, our data protection solution for the entire lifecycle of your IT environment!

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Best practices for backing up data

At O&O Software our focus is on private customers and SMBs. The reasons are clear – we are all private users too, and O&O itself is a SMB – we know exactly how small to medium-sized businesses operate and we know exactly what they need. Read more…

Online Backup: Why people are delaying

In todays blog entry I will elaborate on why you should be careful with the decision to back up your data online. And on what you can do now should you be skeptical of the security of online backup. The facts concerning online security Visibility The fact that online backup occurs “somewhere” but not locally … Read more

O&O DiskImage 6 – Dateibackup oder Image, was ist für mich die richtige Wahl?

Doch welche Art der Sicherung ist für mich die richtige? Datensicherungsprogramme, wie das neue O&O DiskImage 6, bieten Ihnen – grob gesagt – zwei Varianten der Sicherung an: Das Anlegen eines Images des gesamten Rechners Das dateibasierte Backup Bei einem Image werden alle auf Ihrem Rechner befindlichen Daten gespeichert, also nicht nur die gespeicherte Musiksammlung, … Read more

Sicher durch den Sommer

Gerade der Sommer stellt aufgrund seiner hohen Temperaturen eine besondere Herausforderung an die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten dar. So sollten Server und die Räume, in denen sie stehen, besonders an heißen Tagen zusätzlich überwacht werden, ob die Kühlleistung der (hoffentlich) vorhandenen Klimaanlage ausreicht. Denn hier lauert die Gefahr, dass eine mangelnde Kühlleistung schnell zum “Hitzetod” von … Read more

Das passiert doch immer nur anderen

Am vergangenen Wochenende hat mein Notebook (ein schon etwas älteres Samsung Q45) plötzlich angefangen zu spinnen. Windows 7 hat Probleme mit dem Grafiktreiber gemeldet. Also mal deinstalliert und neu raufgepackt. Bluescreens kamen und das System blieb einfach hängen. Gut, dachte ich, bringe ich es am Montag zu meinen Kollegen von der Technik, die werden das … Read more

O&O DiskImage 6: 1000 weitere Betatester gesucht

Weitere 1.000 Betatester gesucht – Aufgrund der überwältigenden Nachfrage nach unseren Beta-Testplätzen für das noch unveröffentlichte O&O DiskImage 6 (BETA) haben wir uns entschlossen, weitere 1.000 Betatester zuzulassen. Anmeldung zum Beta-Test Auf der facebook-Seite von O&O Software gibt es weitere Informationen zum Ablauf und zur Anmeldung zum Beta-Test für O&O DiskImage 6.

O&O DiskImage 6: Beta-Tester gesucht

O&O DiskImage 6 steht interessierten Anwendern zur Verfügung, die schon jetzt die neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen des künftigen Releases ausprobieren möchten. Auf vielfachen Wunsch unserer Kunden wurde die bisherige Laufwerkssicherung (Image) durch eine Dateisicherung (Backup) ergänzt. O&O DiskImage wurde von Grund auf überarbeitet und eine Vielzahl neuer Funktionen und Features wurden integriert.  Einige dieser neuen … Read more