Don’t defragment SSDs – TRIM them

Defragmenting an SSD does not lead to any performance improvement: it can even reduce the life expectancy of an SSD. This must be avoided either through automatic recognition by the operating system or by a defragmentation software. A regular and automatic run of TRIM commands can substantially increase the performance of an SSD and extend its life expectancy. Read more…

NEW! O&O Defrag 20 – Brand new in every way!

With Microsoft having released Windows 10, together with a whole range of new devices, it’s easy to forget one snag that not even version 10 has fixed: if you’re using traditional hard disks, they will slow down. It may take a while, you may not have a dramatic crash, but it will happen for sure. Read more…

NEW: O&O ShutUp10 Version 1.4.1383 – Now supports high contrast mode, and much more!

O&O ShutUp10 means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. Using a very simple interface, you decide how Windows 10 should respect your privacy by making recommendations and giving tips for which unwanted functions should be deactivated. Read more…

NEW: O&O ShutUp10 Version 1.3.1359 – Compatible with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition Redstone 1, and more!

O&O ShutUp10 means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. Using a very simple interface, you decide how Windows 10 should respect your privacy by making recommendations and giving tips for which unwanted functions should be deactivated. Read more…

O&O SafeErase 10: secure deletion of data before and after Windows 10!

Your personal photos and confidential documents can easily fall into the wrong hands when you sell, give away or dispose of your old PC or hard drives. Identity theft is now a widespread security threat. This is because clicking on “Delete” does not mean your files are permanently deleted. Even formatting the hard disk is not enough to permanently delete data! Read more…

NEW! O&O Enterprise Management Console 5 – Central IT Administration

The simple and intuitive user interface is focused on the important functions of network management. The system is up and running in just a few minutes, and you can begin with the remote installations and the Job scheduling. The remote installation of O&O products, specifically the installation of “product agents,” is processed for you and your users transparently and automatically. Read more…

NEW: O&O ShutUp10 Version 1.3.1355 – with new NCSI and Wifi Sense features!

O&O ShutUp10 means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. Using a very simple interface, you decide how Windows 10 should respect your privacy by making recommendations and giving tips for which unwanted functions should be deactivated. Read more…

NEW: O&O RegEditor! Freeware for editing the Windows Registry

Whether we’re talking about the adept home-user or an administrator, O&O RegEditor makes the job easier and quicker. It comes with an eminently user-friendly application, but it is really it’s portability that makes the life of an administrator much easier. No installation is needed and all settings are saved in the Profile data, so that O&O RegEditor can easily be used on other computers. Read more…

NEW! O&O SafeErase 10: Secure protection of your company data!

Your company’s servers are the places where all internal information such as customer data and the figures for the sales and bookkeeping departments are gathered. That also goes for the backups containing vital information collected over years. If you ever decide to replace a single disk or an entire server with a new one, the information contained on your old material can quickly turn into a major security risk. Read more…

O&O Defrag 15 ist da!

O&O Defrag

Letztendlich ist es bei O&O Defrag 15 eigentlich jetzt so, dass man es nur noch zu installieren braucht. Sämtliche Einstellungen und die automatische Hintegrunddefragmentierung sind sofort aktiv, so dass man sich keine Gedanken mehr zu machen braucht. Und vor allem: es läuft unauffällig und ruhig im Hintergrund, so dass der oder die geneigte Anwenderin nicht … Read more

O&O Defrag 14.5: Methode vertreibt Zone

Dateifragmente sortieren und zusammenfassen mit Stealth, Space und Complete Das Update auf O&O Defrag 14.5 stellt die bekannten Methoden Stealth, Space und Complete wieder in den Vordergrund, alternativ kann die seit Version 12 integrierte Zoneneinteilung gewählt werden. Ebenfalls neu: Beim Starten des Programmes wird automatisch eine Analyse aller Laufwerke durchgeführt. Für Besitzer von O&O Defrag … Read more