vergibt IT-Stifterprädikat an O&O Software!

Auch dieses Jahr ehrt das IT-Spendenportal „ – IT für Non-Profits“ wieder O&O Software mit dem Prädikat „IT-Stifter 2015“. bringt seit Oktober 2008 IT-Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte für gemeinnützige Zwecke spenden, und gemeinnützige Organisationen (Non-Profits) aus ganz Deutschland zusammen. Um die Arbeit der gemeinnützigen Organisationen zu unterstützen, erhalten diese auf dem Portal Zugang zu … Read more

Got an SSD? Back it up or image it with O&O DiskImage!

The imaging program O&O DiskImage is compatible with conventional hard disks and SSDs. While cloning and restoring both types of alignment are considered. The program always prioritizes the alignment of the target disk. When restoring or duplicating to a Basic/GPT disk or empty area, the partitions are created according to this prioritization. If an image from a source partition of a conventional hard disk is restored or cloned on a SSD, the partition on the SSD always will be aligned to the SSD. Read more…

Changed your PC Hardware? Transfer the old PC over with O&O DiskImage!

With O&O DiskImage you can make a backup or image of entire computers, single drives or files during running operations. By restoring such an image or backup later, a user has their normal and familiar working environment back again in a short space of time. The Machine Independent Restoration enables a system restoration onto machines with different hardware setups. This means a system image or a clone cannot only be restored onto Server and Desktop PCs with identical hardware, but also onto hardware where the processor or motherboard has been changed, for instance. Read more…

O&O Defrag Server also optimizes data images

With O&O Defrag you can make your Windows substantially quicker. If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon!

But did you also know that O&O Defrag can play a crucial role in your backup and system imaging strategy? Read on to see how O&O Defrag helped a customer avoid having to totally revamp their company backup strategy.

O&O Defrag accelerates Backups and System Images

It’s acknowledged as an open issue by vendors of backup software that fragmented disks can cause the actual backup or image to fail and with it the Checksum Test. The reason for that is because fragmented files make this process excruciatingly slow which may lead to a corrupted backup.

In the case of a disk failure a corrupted backup might even be worse since it could lead to a complete data loss. That is exactly why a regular defragmentation of your disks is so important for your data backups and images.

O&O Defrag Server Edition optimizes SMI’s Backup Performance

Our customer SMI is doing a backup of their system on a daily basis. These backups, sometimes up to 400 GB, go to a disk during the night time and then to tape during the day.  Thanks to O&O Defrag Server Edition they have not only optimized the actual performance of their servers but have also been able to retain their existing backup strategy, the changing of which would have resulted in substantial costs and time issues.

O&O Software saved us from having to completely rethink our backup strategy. We tried many products, but only O&O Defrag Server is able to defrag these enormous, sometimes 400 GB files. All other products we tried simply couldn‘t do it, even though we have more than doubled the disk space available, and several GB of RAM. Many of them didn‘t even try, they simply failed.“

You can read the whole SMI success story right here.

Try or buy O&O Defrag for speed and security 

Visit our website or send us an e-mail to and we will help you get your PCs and servers running like new again and secure your data backups and images – all with one product!

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Gewitter legt Cloud lahm

Was lernen wir daraus? Ein einzelnes Ereignis wie ein Blitzeinschlag kann durch die Zentralisierung der Daten und Dienste in der Cloud und damit in einzelnen Rechenzentren zu einem Ausfall von diversen Diensten führen. Früher waren durch eine dezentrale Verteilung in der Regel nur ein Unternehmen betroffen. Damit steigt die Gefahr, dass im schlimmsten Fall auch … Read more

Deutschland Deine Daten

Unser Leben wird immer digitaler. Waren es vor ein paar Jahren nur Fotos und Videos, so ist es heute aufgrund der sozialen Netzwerke eine komplette Lebensspur, die wir im Internet hinterlassen. Wir verabreden uns über Facebook, wir twittern Neuigkeiten und wir geben über unser Mobiltelefon an, wo wir uns gerade aufhalten und ob es uns dort … Read more

Mögen die Spiele beginnen

O&O hat sein deutschsprachiges Forum für die Öffentlichkeit freigeschaltet. Ab sofort können dort Fragen zu unseren Produkten gestellt, diskutiert und natürlich beantwortet werden. Mit diesem Schritt wollen wir im Rahmen unser Initiative zu noch mehr Kundennähe einen weiteren Kommunikationsweg eröffnen. Dieser wird nicht nur zwischen Kunden und O&O selbst stattfinden, sondern auch Kunden und Interessenten … Read more

Der “GodMode” unter Windows 7

Wenn man unter Windows 7 einen neuen Ordner anlegt und diesem folgenden Namen gibt: Hier zum einfachen Kopieren: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Dann hat man damit einen wirklich übermächtigen Zugriff auf nahezu alle Einstellungen des Systems. Viel Spaß!