O&O wishes you Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2020!

We can look back on a very good year for O&O Software. With our SOLID method for SSDs, we have consolidated our performance software O&O Defrag as a technology leader. Our range of backup software welcomed a new member with O&O FileBackup, a portable, easy-to-use backup app that really punches above it’s weight. With our O&O Syspectr remote monitoring app, we are expanding our reach into the cloud. This now has a premium module with which customers can install, roll-out and control Avira Business Software via O&O Syspectr.

We will continue in this vein throughout 2020 with new modules for O&O Syspectr and more new products for private and business use. And we will of course continue to enhance O&O ShutUp10 to protect your privacy under Windows 10!

We thank you for your support. On behalf of everyone at O&O Software I wish you all happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year! We look forward to helping you with your IT needs again in 2020!

Jim Harrison has a very broad sales and account management background, having previously been employed by various international companies in both senior sales and customer service roles. He joined O&O Software in March, 2006 in a sales and localization capacity, and having quickly recognized the potential for O&O Software worldwide, he was appointed Director of Sales International in 2008. Jim and his team focus on developing long-term, strategic partnerships in order to bring the O&O brand and product range to more and more international markets. Developing primarily the European, North American and Asian markets, his aim is quite clear: to have an O&O product installed on every computer, worldwide!